Good day siblings in Christ,
This will be a quick update as there isn’t much on the horizon right now except that the dangerous trees behind the parsonage are being cut down soon. Thank you for your generous contributions to cover the cost of this project.
This week, we are due to head outside for worship. The weather forecast is now showing a 95% chance of rain, so we will play it by ear. Should we be outside, studies are showing that singing is safe as long as we are masked and not opening all of the stops. I am eager for the day when singing returns.
Tonight, there is a state of the Synod event which I will be watching and John will be watching. I will share any major news which comes out of that event.
In-person Bible study will resume Wednesday, April 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the lower level of the parish hall. The second session of the online Bible study on Matthew’s Easter will be premiered Thursday morning on Facebook and YouTube.
Be love,
Pastor Johnson