New online journey through the Gospel of John

Good day siblings in Christ,

This Sunday, we will begin to add elements back into the service which have been missing for a little bit. We will add back ushers/greeters and readers. Coffee hour will also return this week. If you can help as an usher/greeter, reader, or coffee hour host, please contact Melanie at

Bible study is continuing in person or on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. The current study is on forgiveness. I will also be adding an online journey through the Gospel of John, which you may watch any time you like. As you may know, that is the course I am taking in seminary this semester and I thought it would be fun to journey together. I will share some ideas about John as this old dog learns new tricks. This study will be uploaded on Facebook and YouTube week by week. I hope you enjoy it.

Pastor Johnson