Good morning everyone!
Since last week, a number of new opportunities have come up for the next few weeks. I wanted to share them in a separate post.
The first is that the Diakonia program has been renamed Growing in Faith and is a continuing education program for both deacons and people who just want to dig deeper into theology. There is a Q+A session scheduled for Thursday, August 4 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. If you would like to train to be a deacon, you and I will need to have a conversation first and then receive approval by the council. If you would like to go for continuing education, go for it! They are intensive classes for 3 hours each week. There is a cost to them, but if you would like to take a class and cost is an issue, please talk to me and I can help defer some of the costs.
The second item is arranging flowers for shut ins will once again be held at Temple Israel on August 9 from noon to 1:00 p.m. This is a program of Temple Israel that we are invited to participate in. It is really something to give flowers to those who are home bound.
The next opportunity is not until January, but interested parties should be identified now. There is a mission trip being planned to Guatemala the week of January 15-22 with St. Andrew’s in Yorktown. Pastor David is leading the trip and has gone many times. It is a work and educational trip with an emphasis on work. The cost will be somewhere between $1500-2000 for everything.
Finally, if there is a student who needs a Chromebook for their education, I have an Acer Chromebook I am not using. It was purchased last year and will continue to be updated for at least 3 more years. It is yours if you can use it.
Thank you all who put together this great Christmas in July. Thanks especially to Lois and Hilda for setting up the coffee hour. It was fun!
Pastor Johnson