Good day siblings in Christ,
This Sunday, Our Saviour will host Pinecrest’s reunion and lock-in. They will be arriving to the church on Saturday evening and staying through worship on Sunday. Thank you to those who are helping cook breakfast at 8:30 on Sunday. It will be great having everyone in worship that Sunday. Please welcome them. The service will have sage this week and also next week to recognize Indigenous People’s Day.
This is the LAST week to RSVP for our 90th anniversary luncheon on Oct 15 after worship. You can RSVP to the luncheon either on the sign-up sheet in the link or here:
Donations are welcomed to help offset the cost of the luncheon. So far, we have over 40 people signed up. This is very exciting. Bishop Egensteiner will be preaching, so please come out. Sage will be used during the service on this day.
Recently, antisemitism has been on the rise. Our Saviour and the three other churches in Croton have been wondering how we can help. On October 29, Temple Israel of Northern Westchester will be offering a single day class for us on how to help. It runs from 4-6 p.m. with a light supper and features Prof. Ed Ginsberg. I hope some of our members will be there. There is a sign up so the synagogue can know how many people will be there and for security purposes. The sign up is
You will notice we dramatically reduced the prayer and military list in the bulletin. Melanie and I included the names we knew about and removed other names. If someone came off that you want back on, please let us know. We noticed the prayer list hasn’t changed for about 3 years, so we wanted to update it.
Pastor Johnson