November 11, 2020
Good day siblings in Christ!
Services this week and next week will be online only. One of the things we are keeping an eye on is the Westchester virus numbers. If you did not see the news this week, the percent of people testing positive went from 2.8% to 4.4%. These numbers reflect the week of Halloween, so we will see what the Election Day numbers look like. We continue to monitor the zones that Governor Cuomo has put in place and have multiple plans for Christmas Eve in case there is another shutdown. It will be a different Christmas Eve, but the safety of the congregation and potential visitors will remain a priority.
Annual meeting this Sunday
The annual meeting of the congregation will be this Sunday. It will be on Zoom immediately following the worship service using the Zoom link sent to congregation members. You may contact the church office if you don’t have the link. Please try to connect to the meeting to assure that we have a quorum.
From our Social Ministry Committee
This Sunday we will be blessing the Lutheran World Relief quilts and kits made by our members throughout the past year. The following Monday, we will box them up and they will be driven by Lois Leonard and Marilyn Grantnor to an in-gathering site at a Lutheran camp in New Jersey. It would be great to have another pair of strong hands on Monday at 10 am to help get the boxes into their cars. If you can help, please contact Karen Polacek to coordinate.
You may have heard about the August warehouse explosion in the port of Beirut, where LWR had sent four shipping containers full of quilts and kits. It was feared that all of these relief goods had been destroyed in the blast. Good news finally came a few weeks ago that these items were not destroyed, thanks be to God. For details, read this article on the Lutheran World Relief web site In the article, there is a link to a short video showing the goods were undamaged.
Be love,
Pastor Johnson