A lot on the horizon

Good day siblings in Christ,

There is lots on the horizon for the next few weeks at Our Saviour. The first is tonight we begin a Bible study in person and on Zoom on the book of Revelation. For many, this book is a scary topic due to how it has been used and abused in the past. Come learn about how it might be interpreted and read to those it was originally written for.

The second item is THIS SUNDAY, we welcome Assistants to the Bishop Mother Gladys and our Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) Branden Dupree to Our Saviour. Please come out to welcome them and show them some great OS hospitality. It is a good time to ask questions about the Synod and connect to the larger church. They are coming to talk to the council about visioning for what may happen downstairs and how it may help shape our mission.

On March 19 from 1:00-4:00 p.m., our quilting group will have a special quilting event open for all to learn about quilting and to see how the quilts are used by Lutheran World Relief. It is a pop-in and pop-out event, so please stop by.

On March 20, we will require masks for worship for this service as we will have a baptism!

Finally, Lutheran World Relief is right now matching gifts to help Ukraine. We are collecting donations which will be sent as soon as possible to be part of this matching fund. If you would like to give, please make a note that the donation is to be used for Ukraine or LWR Ukraine, so we can tally the amount appropriately. We want to send our contributions in the next few weeks.

Pastor Johnson