Good day siblings in Christ,
I first want to give a big thanks to all who helped with the tag sale last week. We raised over $380 and the good news is a member has decided to match that amount! Thank you to our donor!
The Christmas Fair plans are underway. If you would like to be part of the team, please talk to Lois about either helping with the planning or creating crafts.
In 2 weeks, we will celebrate confirmation for six youth. For the last few weeks, Bibles have been put out for the congregation to add a note of congratulations and their favorite Bible verse. You have just 2 more weeks to add your name and verse. Please do so as it makes a wonderful gift to our youth as they travel to college and beyond. I still have youth from my past contacting me to let me know how much their Bible means to them. Let’s begin this wonderful tradition here.
This week will be Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.!
Finally, some of you have heard, but due to an error on my part, I received an extra 25 pounds of bread flour when I placed an order. The parsonage can store 25 pounds pretty well, but not the 50 pounds I currently have, so I am giving away flour. Bring a container to fill and take some home with you. I have now baked with it and comparing it to King Arthur’s, which is one of the best retail flours, it is slightly below that in terms of protein strength and may need another flour to help get that good oven spring. Otherwise, it was a good flour and quite tasty. So, bring something to take some home with you. There is no cost and you would be helping me, as it is currently taking up one of my dining room chairs.
Pastor Johnson