Used items for small children available

Good day siblings in Christ,

Note that I made a mistake in last week’s letter. I will be leading worship this Sunday, but next Sunday (August 22) will be a pre-recorded service online and Lee Ann will be leading a modified service in person. Sorry about the mix up.

At the church, Circle School’s move out has occurred and we are now doing a little spring cleaning. In the lower level of the parish hall on the back wall are a number of toys and educational materials which will either be sold or donated. If any members, especially those with young children, want to look through them first and take whatever they would like, it would help the process. There are blocks, books, play sets, and similar items. There is also a pile by the door of items which are broken or seem of little value. We will be discarding these, so take anything you want now. All these items are appropriate for younger children, rather than older ones.

Be love,
Pastor Johnson