Christmas Fair

Good day siblings in Christ,

Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers everyone. It was my first bout with Covid and it was very mild. Thank goodness for antiviral meds that can be obtained quickly. My dad is not so lucky as he is still testing positive and my mother is on the mend. Thanksgiving got all of us.

Melanie is not feeling well this week, so the bulletin may be late. I did want to get some information out though.

This weekend is our Christmas Fair on Saturday. Set-up will be during the week. I look forward to all the crafts, baked goodies, and soups on sale. I am baking and soup making today, so I wish all my fellow bakers and cooks, happy cooking! Thank you all for volunteering. A special thanks to Lois for organizing it this year.

Poinsettias are available to order now. The forms are in the narthex and front pew of the church. You can also send a note with a check. If you would like to order poinsettias to decorate our sanctuary on Christmas Eve, please specify the dedication (“In memory of…”, “In honor of…”, etc.), enclose $20 per plant,  and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office. You may take your plants home anytime after the evening Christmas Eve service.

Here are important dates:

  • 12/9: Christmas Fair
  • 12/15: Christmas caroling
  • 12/24: Christmas Eve worship services 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Pastor Johnson